Weekly Newsletter – June 10th, 2013

Happy Monday!
There was a great article in the NY Times this weekend – Progress at Work, But Mothers Still Pay a Price – the article notes that since the Equal Pay Act was passed in 1963, the gender wage gap has narrowed from 60% to 80%. Progress no doubt until you consider that a woman has to work 52 years to earn what a man makes in 40 years, and at every educational level, women continue to earn less than men with the same credentials. Additionally, motherhood imposes about twice the earning penalty in the US compared with what women face in countries that have expansive publicly financed childcare systems. Women earn 5% less per hour per child than comparable workers who are childless women. Mothers are also less likely to be hired if they leave or change jobs.
When you consider the Pew Study statistics of 40% of households were women are the primary breadwinners, this has staggering consequences for our economy. The article is on both our LinkedIn group and our member’s forum. Please take a moment to read it!
We are in the process of revamping our website and need your help! We are looking for member testimonials and would love to hear from YOU! Let us know how TXWSW has served you. We would love to hear your thoughts, and be able to share them with prospective members! Please email us at info@txwsw.com to participate!
See you all at an event soon!
Kind regards,
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