TXWSW Webinar: The Power of Emotional Intelligence: How to Unlock Your Full Leadership Potential

Join us as Sherrie English, CPC, CIMA, CFP, CExP, ELI-MP, Certified Financial Coach teaches you how to unlock your leadership powers via Emotional Intelligence in this one hour webinar.

Why emotional intelligence? Your emotional quotient (EQi) can prove to be several times more dominant in predicting occupational performance than IQ (intelligence quotient) as it is a reflection on your ability to deal with real-world situations. Sherrie will be providing actionable items you can use to improve your own emotional intelligence.

The registration price includes the webinar, the EQi test that will be completed online, and a 40-minute private coaching session with Sherrie to discuss your assessment results in detail and strategies to move forward.

This event is limited to 20 attendees

Who Should Attend:

Leaders and managers who want to align their skill set to those likely to be in demand in the future

Anyone who wants to leverage their existing skill set for further success

Professionals facing interpersonal communication challenges

When:  Wednesday, December 9, 2020

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm, including a 15 minute Q&A session

Where:  Online call via Zoom. Details to be provided to registrants

Cost:   $85 for Paid Members

$95 for Basic/Free Members and Guests


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