Happy Monday!
Two great articles to share with you this week. The first one is on burnout and how to combat it. Why You Hate Work by Tony Schwartz and Christine Porath is a must read especially if you have not already succumbed to the “white collar salt mines” http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/01/opinion/sunday/why-you-hate-work.html I found this particularly appropriate as I am sitting at my desk on a Sunday writing this and wondering why I am tired all the time! So your letter will be short today as their advice, which I am taking to heart, is to make sure I am paying attention to all my needs – not just the ones on my work to do list.
On the “sexism is alive and well note” Gretchen Morgenson did a great piece on the seemingly intractable problem of a lack of diversity on corporate boards in Not Walking the Walk on Corporate Board Diversity: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/01/business/not-walking-the-walk-on-board-diversity.html?_r=0 It seems amazing that in 2014, we have made almost zero progress on adding women and minorities to corporate boards – and this in the face of folks like CALPERS and the NY State Comptroller calling for change. The sad old argument is they cannot find enough qualified candidates – what I say to that is that I know quite a few here in Texas if they ever decide to really look!
Happy summer to all of you. We have some amazing events coming up including our first ever Executive Suite dinner in Houston in the Fall. We look forward to seeing you all at an event soon!
Kind regards