Newsletter July 7, 2014

Happy Monday!
I hope you had a wonderful Fourth of July Holiday! We have two great articles this week the first, written by a woman, who after having her second child, and wanting to continue her career, shares her story about making it work for her:
And from the Huffington Post, I found “17 Secrets to Success” to be inspirational. Some tried and true but over-quoted advice, like ‘don’t be afraid to fail’ for sure, but among the 17, there are some gems that I hope will resonate with you:
We have two happy hours this month – in Austin and Dallas. And you will not want to miss out public speaking event in Houston on July 17th– if this is a slow month for you, I would encourage you to travel down for the event if you can. Public Speaking may be something you would rather avoid than learn to do, but consider this – if you participate in meetings, then having those skills is something that will serve you!
We look forward to seeing you all at an event soon!
Kind regards

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