Happy Monday!
The first article of the week is short and sweet – the advice in ‘How to Project Power’ are similar to the instruction given at Tonja O’Neil’s Speaking without Fear class we held in Austin last month. It is fascinating how just a few small shifts in body language can make a difference. The full article can be found here: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/09/magazine/how-to-project-power.html?_r=0
It is official – having a child really does make you better at your job. Far from worrying that having a child can derail your career, the evidence is in, and having a child not only enhances women’s time management skills, it also ups their ambition: http://nymag.com/thecut/2015/07/having-babies-makes-you-better-at-work.html
Many of you know that Chief Investment Officer Magazine reports regularly on the lack of women in asset management. This past week, they did a great interview Cathy Hepworth of Prudential exploring her journey and sharing her advice for young women entering the field: http://www.ai-cio.com/thought-leadership/RoundTableStory.aspx?id=2147492576
And an article on the plight of older women in the workforce – Lisa Miller recounts that although the gender pay gap is $.77, for women in their late 40’s and 50’s that gap is $.55 which is why so many older women drop out of the bigger companies and work for themselves. Ms. Miller makes the point that without all these missing women, it makes it that much harder for companies to attract and retain younger women because they don’t see themselves reflected in the middle and senior management of those companies. So for companies committed to diversity, one place to start may be adding older women to their teams. The title of the article ‘Why We Need Older Women in the Workforce’ says it all. The full article can be found here: http://nymag.com/thecut/2015/08/why-we-need-older-women-in-the-workplace.html
And lastly, a great piece by Dominique Browning in the New York Times this weekend – the title, ‘I’m Too Old for This” could be retitled as I’m too wise or too smart and taken on by we women who are not yet 60 – the wisdom in what she is saying is spot on and an attitude that we would all benefit from adopting earlier in life. The full article can be found here: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/09/fashion/im-too-old-for-this.html
Huge kudos to our committee members for arranging a terrific line up of events for the Fall including a coed cocktail party and brewery tour in Dallas, our second annual Charity Shopping Night in Houston, and a Holiday Luncheon in Austin. Register early to avoid disappointment!
Kind regards