Join TXWSW for Cocktails and a Clothing Drive at the Home of Toni Moss

Wednesday, February 19, 2014 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Shoal Creek Neighborhood – address will be provided to registered attendees
Cost is $15 for paid members and $25 for free/basic members and guests.
Registration includes wine, non-alcoholic beverages and appetizers.
Professional Attire Clothing Drive: Many of the FEYW students need gently used clothing appropriate for job internships and for the senior girls’ college interviews! Please take a look through your closets for gently used attire, shoes and accessories (bags, belts, purses, scarfs, jewelry) that you are ready to pass along. If you find any items, we ask you to please bring them to the cocktail party to donate to the girls at Austin’s Ann Richards School and the San Antonio Young Women’s Leadership Academy.
Many thanks to Toni Moss for hosting us at her home.

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