Dallas Education/Philanthropy Event: A Panel Discussion: The Equity Markets – the Long View

Please join TXWSW, the CFA Society and the Texas Hedge Fund Association for

A Panel Discussion: The Equity Markets – the Long View


Janis w. Hydak

Nancy Lazar

Elizabeth Flisser Rosman

Michael Tiedmann

Janis W. Hydak, CFA – Managing Director, Teacher Retirement System of Texas, Head of Macro & Quant, Internal Public Markets.    read more →
Nancy Lazar – Partner, Cornerstone Macro.    read more →
Elizabeth Flisser Rosman – Partner, Reservoir Capital Group.    read more →
Michael Tiedmann – Chief Executive Officer, TIG Advisors, LLC    read more →
Wednesday, May 15th, 2013
5:30pm Cocktails & Registration
6:00-7:00pm Panel Discussion
7:00-8:00pm Cocktail Reception
The Crescent Club Gourmet Room
200 Crescent Court, 17th floor
Dallas TX 75201
Cost is $60 per person, and includes a $25 donation to the Foundation for the Education of Young Women.
Men and women are welcome to attend this event. CFA Society members are also welcome to register on their site.

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