Happy Monday!
I hope you all had a Merry Christmas last week, and on behalf of the Board, Advisory Board, Angels and Committee Members, we want to wish you and yours a Happy Healthy and Successful 2014!
As you will see from the list below, we have a VERY full schedule for the coming year with terrific speakers and fun venues. And of course the most important thing about our events is you – our members – attending events means both a chance to build your network of fabulous women as well as the opportunity to mentor women new to the field. The holidays remind us that life is a cycle of giving and receiving – certainly I know from speaking to the women that are critical to running this organization; the women who give their time to us that there is certainly work involved, but the reward, the receiving, comes from the gift of meeting other terrific women who love finance and the network of friends who share a similar love of their career.
So enjoy this holiday week and we will look forward to seeing you all in the New Year!
Kind regards