TXWSW Webinar: Courageous Conversations: Engaging in Productive Dialogue about Inclusion Featuring Trudy Bourgeois, Founder and CEO, The Center for Workforce Excellence
Corporate America reflects society. In the American society, most people would rather not engage in dialogue about the true barriers to connecting across differences – those being bias, racism and privilege. In this highly interactive session, participants will be guided through a process that helps them to understand that every person has bias. We take a close examination of how bias is developed and understand that bias, left unchecked, can quickly turn into racism. This analysis is critical if we are to do justice in touching the third rail (race in the workplace).
Bias and racism, combined with the reality of privilege afforded to the dominant group, come together as a trifecta that hinders the creation of meaningful and authentic relationships across differences. The invitation that will be extended in this session is for participants to understand how to move from awareness of these barriers into a place of choice making. This choice is making space where individuals can intentionally build new worldviews of how they see, value, and acknowledge others across differences in a more positive and productive way.
After attending this 60-minutes interactive session, participants will:
• Break through the paralysis that is caused by being afraid of not knowing what to say and how to get a conversation started
• Understand structural racism and how it shows up in the organization
• Understand the emotion trauma that is associated with social injustices, bias and racism
• Take practical steps to build trust filled relationships across differences to produce higher levels of collaboration, innovation and productivity
The webinar will last approximately 45 minutes with a 15 min Q&A session.
When: Tuesday, November 10, 2020
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Where: Online webinar via Zoom
Cost: $25 for Paid Members
$30 for Basic/Free Members and Guests
No refund for no-shows – recording and slides will be available for those who cannot attend