TXWSW Virtual Conversation Circle – Control What You Can Control with Host Kelly Klingaman

TXWSW Virtual Conversation Circles – Control What You Can Control with Host Kelly Klingaman

Kelly Klingaman, Regional Director & Vice President at Dimensional Fund Advisors, will host a virtual conversation circle exploring what “control what you can control” means to you considering this new normal we find ourselves in and how that theme extends into your life

When:  Thursday, August 20, 2020
8:30 am – 9:30 am

Where:  Online call via Zoom. Details to be provided to registrants

Registration Deadline: August 19, 2020

Cost: $5 for Paid Members which will be donated to YWPN

This event is only open to paid members and is space limited to allow for meaningful discussion

Click HERE to Register for This Event

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