Happy Monday:
From the almost too ridiculous to be believed file, a NY Times article details a backlash growing against the movement to include more women in tech. Just to put this in perspective, women hold only 25% of computing jobs, 11% of executive position in Silicon Valley, own 5% of technology startups and 7% of partnerships in VC firms. In spite of this vast male dominance, there is a growing chorus of men saying that women are ruining the tech world, and that efforts to improve diversity in the industry represent “a cabal whose goal was to subjugate men.” I mean really, can you make this stuff up?
To quote from the article “One radical fringe that is growing is Mgtow, which stands for Men Going Their Own Way and pronounced MIG-tow. Mgtow aims for total male separatism, including forgoing children, avoiding marriage and limiting involvement with women. Its message boards are brimming with activity from Silicon Valley.” Instead of hiding on message boards, what I think what each of these men need to do is sit down with their mothers, sisters, aunts, cousins, and daughters and tell them to their face that in the work world, they cannot expect a level playing field. That if they have the temerity to want to work in a highly paid field, they can expect harassment, bullying, abuse, sexual assault or worse. Then we will be having a conversation IRL. The full article can be found here.
I do recognize that there has been a major shift in how women are encouraged to move through the world. A recent Washington Post article notes that women have been encouraged to act “not as men, but like them: Self-reliant, ambitious, assertive. With aspirations beyond the family and the home. We saw lots of images of empowered women but few images of men partnering with them in positive relationships.” For women’s roles to change, we must change the traditional equation of women’s submission in exchange for protection and economic security which places that role solely on the man. And we can have a new more equal equation “once we free men from the burden of believing their value in a relationship is financial rather than emotional.’ The full article can be found here.
As many of you are aware, TXWSW is a strong supporter of college preparatory education for economically disadvantaged girls across the state. The importance of our mission is spelled out in a recent NY Times Op Ed that notes that TX is coming into a season of discontent based on less than thoughtful policies including inadequate education funding. The result is that TX is losing business to higher tax states with policies designed to be more beneficial in the long term. The full article can be found here.
To learn more about the Young Women’s Preparatory Network and the amazing life changing work they are doing, please take a moment to watch this video.
Our Houston chapter is hosting its annual Boots & Blackjack event on Wednesday, October 11th. Given the devastation Harvey has wrought on Houston, we have updated the use of proceeds raised at the event to include disaster relief for the students and staff of the Young Women’s College Preparatory Academy of Houston. I want to thank our raffle, silent auction and wine pull sponsors: MM LaFleur, Maid in the Shade, Pure Barre, JuiceLand, Soul Cycle, Elaine Turner, Motherhood Center, Discover Gymnastics, Kendra Scott, Equinox, Saint Street Swim, Total Wine, Main Street Theater, Amy’s Ice Cream, Alley Theater, Sprinkles Cupcakes, Nothing Bundt Cakes and the Houston Wine Merchant.
Austin will be hosting its Boots & Blackjack on Friday October 27th so grab your spouse, friends and colleagues and join us in supporting both the Houston and Austin Boots & Blackjack this Fall!
We have some terrific events lined up for you this Fall and look forward to seeing you all at an event in 2017! To learn more about our 2017 events, please visit www.txwsw.com
Kind regards