Thank you for registering for the TXWSW event at Board & Brush. Please note – We will all begin together, be sure to be prompt.
Below are instructions on how to sign up for your design. We prepare the wood and designs in advance so please sign up at least 24 hours in advance. 🙂
1. Click on the party link
2. Click on the yellow button that looks like this –
3. You will be taken to the gallery of projects to choose from, click on the project you would like to make.
You will choose your stain and paint colors in the studio, these are just examples.
4. Once you have clicked on your project you will be asked your name, email address and who you would like to sit with.
Fill in the information and click the add booking button.
5. You will then be taken to the checkout section. This will ask your name, address, phone number. We will never contact you unless we have a
question regarding your design. Please check the box to agree to policies and click the create booking button.
Yay! You did it! You should see a box that says Booking Confirmed and you will also receive an email!
Thank you so much!
We look forward to seeing you!