Happy Thursday!
I am sneaking in one more letter this week because the topic is both important and timely since conference season is in full swing.
The article entitled “Why I will no longer Speak on all male panels” by Scott Gilmore is both a must read and a must share. This self-described member of the boys club relates his experience at a recent NYC conference where the question was asked why were there no women on the panel? His reflection: “ I recognize that if you ignore 50 per cent of the population, you’re never going to achieve what is potentially possible. It is absurd to suggest any enterprise that intentionally excluded half the talent pool could thrive.” I think the point here is well taken. I am asked repeatedly how we are able to get women to turn up at our events. Any of you who attend conferences and industry gatherings know that women are a minority at those events, and that is certainly not the case at ours. My question back to them is “How many women do you have speaking at your events?” And this is not a women versus men thing. To Scott’s point, why would you want to exclude the opinions of half of the talent pool?
His conclusion at the end of the event? He will never again join a panel without women included. I applaud him for his stance. My husband, who is a very frequent speaker, is also taking up this charge. So pass this along, and here is to more diversity of opinions at conferences! The full article may be found here: http://www.macleans.ca/society/life/i-will-no-longer-speak-on-all-male-panels/
We have terrific events coming up in October that you will not want to miss! In Houston, Neiman Marcus is hosting us for a cocktail party and private event including an award winning makeup artist, fashion show, great food and great company all to support girl’s education, so you can have fun and give back to the community at the same time! And speaking of fundraisers, we have our third annual Boots & Blackjack Casino Night in Dallas – grab your significant other, colleagues and friends and join us for this great fun event! Lastly, and certainly not least, we have dinner with 2 dynamic CIOs in Austin. You will not want to miss what they have to say!
We look forward to seeing you all at an event soon!
Kind regards