Happy Monday!
Two great articles to share with you this week on diverse topics. The first, from the New York Times titled “Women to Wall Street: Are you Listening?” by MP Dunleavey talks about the massive problem that Wall Street is facing in the wealth management arena – in a nutshell, as women control more and more of the assets out there, traditional wealth management firms have no idea how to communicate with this client base. Their traditional approach of rolling out mutual funds and performance data just don’t cut it with women – because it is only part of the picture. Studies have shown that women want to focus on overall life planning before rolling up their sleeves and getting into the business of asset allocation. And because 75% of women polled want to be involved in the day-today decision making when it comes to their finances, the old “trust us” approach is not going to work with today’s women. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/13/business/mutfund/women-to-wall-street-are-you-listening.html?_r=0
On another note, there was a great article in the June/July issue of the CFA Journal titled “The Herds and the Bees” by Nathan Jaye. The article delves in to the research work that Katherine Collins has been pursuing. Collins was formerly a portfolio manager and head of research at Fidelity who took a step back to figure out what about the traditional Wall Street research process was not working for her. The result makes for a fascinating read: http://www.cfapubs.org/doi/pdf/10.2469/cfm.v25.n4.10
In Austin we are hosting two top Texas headhunters who will give us tips for career optimization. We also have a happy hour later this month in Dallas. And you will not want to miss out public speaking event in Houston on July 17th – if this is a slow month for you, I would encourage you to travel down for the event if you can. Public Speaking may be something you would rather avoid than learn to do, but consider this – if you participate in meetings, and then having those skills is something that will serve you!
We look forward to seeing you all at an event soon!
Kind regards