Happy Monday!
The most impactful article for me this week was one that has applications beyond the topic it was written on. “An Appeal to Our Inner Judge” by Howard Ross http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/03/jobs/an-appeal-to-our-inner-judge.html was about the human tendency to judge a book by its cover – to let surface first impressions govern what we think about a person based on how they look, the way they dress etc. I certainly have been guilty of this – both judging people harshly who have turned out to be great connections as well as being disappointed by someone I put on a pedestal based on their background or looks. The advice in the article is one of applying mindfulness principles when assessing both people and situations. The advice in the article can apply to not only interviewing or meeting people, but also to asset management, risk management and compliance. The idea of stepping back and figuring out our biases and how they impact our decision making is a powerful one.
I also want to bring your attention to a great article in last week’s NYTimes featuring TXWSW’s very own Janet Briaud of Briaud Wealth Advisors: “The Special Challenges of Retiring from a Business You Own” by Tim Gray is a worthwhile read!
We have some great events lined up for you this Fall. Take a look at our Upcoming Events lineup and register early to avoid disappointment!
We look forward to seeing you all at an event soon!
Kind regards