Joe Griffith

Joe Griffith TXWSWJoe Griffith

Regional Manager
South-JP MorganChase Real Estate Banking
Joe Griffith is Regional Manager for the South-JP MorganChase Real Estate Banking. The Real Estate Banking Group provides financial services to clients whose primary business is to develop, manage, or invest in high quality commercial and residential real estate. The group focuses on large regional and national clients located across the United States.
Joe joined the firm in 1982 in Trust Real Estate and has worked real estate banking since early 1984. Prior to joining the firm, he spent 4 years in public accounting and in real estate with another financial institution.
Joe’s activities include The Real Estate Council (Chairman of the Board 2005-06) and The Dallas Area/North Texas American Red Cross (Chairman of the Board 2003-05). He’s an active member in Urban Land Institute (ULI), International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), and an Executive Council member of the Real Estate Finance and Investment Center at the University of Texas.

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