Houston Philanthropy Event: Tour and introduction to the Young Women's College Preparatory Academy

Houston Philanthropy Event:
Join TXWSW for a tour and introduction to the Young Women’s College Preparatory Academy on November 1st or November 28

The Houston TXWSW Philanthropy Committee along with Ms. Delesa O’Dell-Thomas, Principal of the Young Women’s College Preparatory Academy invite you to join us for a tour of the school campus and to meet the young women our fundraising directly supports. We have two dates to offer: November 1st at 8:45am or November 28th at 1pm.
The tours will start promptly at the times listed so be sure to allocate enough time for parking and registration (required for student safety) at the receptionist area just inside the main entrance on Cleburne. We will meet in the main foyer before beginning our tour. Please note the tours will last no longer than one hour and refreshments will not be provided to allow the time needed to see the school as well as meet some of the students and faculty. We hope you will all come join us!

Thursday, November 1, 2012
8:45-9:45 a.m.
Please arrive early for parking and registration
Register for November 1 –>
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
1:00-2:00 p.m.
Please arrive early for parking and registration
Register for November 28 –>

Young Women’s College Preparatory Academy
1906 Cleburne Street
Houston, TX 77004
We look forward to seeing you!

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