Happy (not so) Equal Pay Day

Happy Monday:
We are less than one month out from our flagship State of the Markets event in Dallas on April 26th and the tickets are going fast. Please purchase yours early to avoid disappointment!  With the recent market turmoil, you will not want to miss hearing from award-winning CIOs including McCall Cravens of Hunt Global Investments, Tom Tull of the Employees Retirement System of Texas, and Catharine Burkett of LCG Associates. We are also thrilled to have Fed soothsayer Danielle DiMartino Booth joining us again as well, so you get access to the best minds in the business, cocktails, and networking all in support of a great cause! The registration link may be found here.
Tuesday is equal pay day. Claire Cain Miller notes that one of the biggest causes of the gender pay gap is having children between the ages of 25 and 35 which begs the question, when else can women have children so they are not penalized financially? The full article can be found here.
Britain has taken the lead on closing the gender pay gap with a simple tool kit – transparency and shame. By forcing companies to report their pay gaps, it allows consumers to vote with their wallets and brings the issue to the forefront of conversation. The interesting thing is that many multi-national companies in the UK are also forced to report, so we can get some transparency into how US firms are doing as well. The full article can be found here.
On the good news front, a recent court ruling noted that prior salary levels cannot be used as a justification for paying women less than a man for the same role. The full article ca be found here.
The next article notes new constructive approaches to mentoring and team building in the #MeToo era. The focus is on training men to mentor women without crossing lines and avoiding ‘man-terruptions’ and ‘bro-propriations.’ The article explains it all and can be found here. For those that do not have access to training, this blog post on Medium suggests The Rock Test: A hack for men who don’t want to be accused of sexual harassment which can be found here.
Just this past weekend on the Dallas PBS station, our member Nancy Shemwell, was interviewed on the program CEO.Nancy is the Chief Executive Officer of entegra technologies, a cyber securities company based in Dallas. Here are a few key takeaways from the interview that all companies should be considering as they continue to strengthen and develop countermeasures against cyber-attacks and breaches:

  • “What we see in the news is just the tip of the iceberg – it’s the risks to the critical infrastructure that we hear little about that is truly frightening.”
  • A checklist approach is no longer good enough, with the pace of threat evolution and democratization of hacking tools your list is already outdated
  • Boards can no longer use ignorance as an excuse; it’s a fiduciary responsibility

To help us celebrate our ten-year anniversary, I would ask each of you to consider corporate sponsorship of TXWSW. Benefits include attendance at our flagship events and recognition for your firm. To learn more, you may find our sponsor information here. Additionally, we would be happy to create a custom sponsorship for you. Please contact Bianca King atdevelopmentdirector@txwsw.com.
We have some terrific events lined up for you in 2018 including our ten-year anniversary celebrations in August! We look forward to seeing you all at an event in 2018! To learn more about our 2018 events, please visit www.txwsw.com.

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