An easy way to add alpha? Add women/Glacial progress on adding women to boards/Male CEOs share their work/life balance stories

Happy Monday:
We start with a fascinating article from Bloomberg on a magnificently simple way to add alpha to your portfolio – it turns out that by running a simple screen for companies that are in the top half of the S&P500 in terms of women’s representation on boards, management and workforce generates a portfolio of 20 companies that outperformed the S&P 500 by 141% over the past ten years. Yes, you read that correctly. 141%. The full article can be found here:
Which brings us to a WSJ article based a Catalyst study revealing that the process of adding women to boards is still glacially slow. Women still hold less than one-fifth of board seats in the US. Maybe someone needs to share the results from the Bloomberg outperformance study with these CEOs. The full article can be found here: We can start with the owners of Burger King who recently rejected a proposal that would require a clear plan to add women to the company’s all male board:
From the Harvard Business Review, one article explores the leadership styles between men and women and found that on average, women made bolder leaders than men and especially so in male dominated fields. The full article can be found here:
Another article from HBR explores what women’s careers look like in their fifties with the mid-life stresses and child rearing behind them. Bottom line? “For the smart, innovative employers, the silver decades may yield gold.” Read on:
And lastly, professional women are often asked about their work life balance while that question is rarely posed to men. In a turnabout, the Wall Street Journal asked 25 male CEOs to share their stories after all, family and life balance are not women’s issues, they are human issues. The full article can be found here:
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