Bias Built in by Age Six/Ambition Perceived as a Negative/Leadership & Inclusivity Lessons from Hidden Figures/Mary Tyler Moore’s Guide to Leaning In

Happy Monday:
Bloomberg reported on a recent study from the Journal of Science that suggests that the programming of girls to believe that they are ‘less than’ starts as early as age six. That such stereotypes exist is nothing new; what is new is the young age at which these biases are affecting children and how hard that programming can be to overcome. The full article can be found here and is a must-read for all parents.
To continue with the theme, from the Wall Street Journal, even in the 21st century, women with careers feel the need to minimize their accomplishments and ambitions if they are single. The perception is that ambition and assertiveness are not valued in the marriage market even today. Serious eyeroll. The full article can be found here.
For those of you that have not seen Hidden Figures list, I encourage you to add it to your ‘to do’ list for next weekend. The film was incredibly eye-opening and inspiring. For those of you that will wait until it hits DVD or Netflix, there is a great article in Forbes detailing 9 leadership lessons about workplace diversity and inclusion that we can all learn from now. The full article can be found here.
And finally, with the death of Mary Tyler Moore last week, we lost an early role model for professional women everywhere. I was a young girl when the show aired and at the time she was one of the few television characters that was a professional woman aspiring to greater things. Anna Clark shared her take on the lessons that MTM left behind that are still valid for all of us today including the fact that we can be nice and strong, and standing up for others and ourselves is the right thing to do. The full article can he found here.
We our holding our biggest event of the year on March 9th in Dallas. This will be TXWSW’s 8th annual State of the Markets event and we have nothing short of a fabulous line up planned! To begin, back by popular demand, we haveDanielle DiMartino Booth, formerly with the Dallas Fed and Dr. Lev Borodovsky, Editor of the Wall Street Journal’s Daily Shot discussing the economy in a debate style format led by Dallas Children’s investment director Ryan Bailey. Next, we have award winning CIOs from across the country sharing their thoughts on asset allocation, opportunities and pitfalls in today’s market led by Nili Gilbert. This event is open to the public and supports the Young Women’s Preparatory Network – please buy your ticket today and help us get the word out! More details may be found here.
If you would like to attend as sponsor, please reach out to our marketing director, Bianca King to learn more!
We have some terrific events lined up for you this year and look forward to seeing you all at an event in 2017! To learn more about our 2017 events, please visit

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