Happy Monday!
Very best wishes to you and yours for a Happy Fourth of July holiday this week.
Last week Saudi Arabia became the last country on earth to allow women to drive. Before we celebrate this modicum of freedom for those women, please keep in mind that many of the activists that campaigned for this are in jail, so for women who like to believe that the playing field is level this Fourth of July week, women still have a long way to go, baby. The $90 billion-dollar reason that Saudi women have finally been given the right to drive is their economy. With oil prices in the doldrums, allowing women to drive will allow them to seek jobs, spend more and will have a bigger impact on the economy than the planned Aramco IPO. No matter how you slice it, freedom is never free. The full article can be found here.
On the subject of freedom, the Harvard Business Review published an article outlining how women can break barriers by breaking rules. My favorite rule is #3 – practice breaking rules, because after all, practice makes perfect. The full article can be found here.
Finally, from Forbes a recent article detailed 5 insights from senior women in finance to their junior brethren. On Wall Street, as the career level rises, female representation declines. The statistics are startling. Although 46% of financial services employees are women, at the executive level the number drops to 15%. The full article can be found here.
We have some terrific events lined up for you in 2018 including our ten-year anniversary celebrations in August! We look forward to seeing you all at an event in 2018! To learn more about our 2018 events, please visit www.txwsw.com Please also scroll to the end of this newsletter to check out some interesting jobs from our network.
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