Happy Monday!
Celebrating our Limitless Leaders: today we honor Gabrielle Levin. Gabrielle is Vice President of Social Media for PIMCO and a Member. Read more about why she gives back: https://txwsw.com/volunteer-spotlight-gabrielle-levin-limitless-leader/
The employment figures for December marked a milestone where the number of women employed rose to 50.04% of all jobs. My readers know that women began earning the majority of college degrees and now women make up the majority in the workforce which means the dynamics will begin to shift. The full article can be found here.
One of the changes Millenial women are making is moving beyond the taboo of sharing salary information. As we all know, the gender pay gap is real, and sharing pay information is one way to make sure we are being paid fairly. The full article can be found here.
Working moms still face challenges in the workplace and more than 50% of women surveyed felt that being a parent made it harder to advance in their careers. The full article can be found here. The next article offers an explanation for why things continue to be so hard for women. It seems that CEOs who experience gender imbalances in their formative years under-allocate to women and are not attuned to the need for building workplaces that support women. It seems that adding women to both boards and senior management can help correct this deficiency. The full article can be found here.
A year after the #metoo moment in the field of economics the next two articles reflect on both progress made and how far the industry as to go. The articles may be found here and here.
Finally, the private equity newsletter, the Deal is diving into why just one in ten senior private equity professionals are women. The full article can be found here.
I would ask each of you to consider corporate sponsorship of TXWSW. Benefits include attendance at our flagship events and recognition for your firm. To learn more, you may find our sponsor information here. Additionally, we would be happy to create a custom sponsorship for you. Please contact Bianca King at developmentdirector@txwsw.com
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