A Decade of Phenomenal Women featuring Stacey J. Relton

In celebration of TXWSW’s ten-year anniversary, we are featuring women in senior-level positions in finance that have made a difference in the lives of their colleagues and community. Be sure to join TXWSW in each of our chapter cities for our 10-year anniversary celebrations.
We recently interviewed Stacey J. Relton, Partner and Chief Strategy Officer at Strait Capital based in Dallas, Texas and learned more about how she started her career in finance and how she’s giving back.

Define career success.

“For me, career success means living my core values – being growth oriented while striving to maintain personal and professional balance.  I hit the gas pedal pretty hard professionally and am happiest when I can drive positive growth within myself and within my organization.  However, I’ve also learned that to be truly successful, I must be mindful to maintain balance so that I have time and energy to spend with family and friends.”

How did you choose finance as your career?

“Both of my parents were entrepreneurs and I knew from an early age that I wanted to follow in their steps.  They encouraged me to get an MBA so that many of the financial lessons they learned the hard way, I would learn early.  I began my career in audit, moved into recruiting and business development, and then into the fund administration industry.  I’ve had a diverse career so far!”

Share your best career advice.

  • “Never settle and never let others determine your potential.  It was only a few years ago that a consultant told my former boss that making me a Partner would be a mistake since Rainmakers should remain salespeople.  I’ve since grown Strait from 12 to 50 people in 2.5 years.  I still chuckle at how red my face was as I listened to that consultant speak.”

“The next two aren’t original and are quotes from Sheryl Sandberg, but they are so true.”

  • “Take a seat at the table.  Finance can be a male-dominated world and the boys club can be quite intimidating.  Regardless of the situation, I force myself to step up – sit at the table, join the boys club conversation, and hold my ground.  Even today, it doesn’t always feel comfortable.  But, it’s all about taking that first step.”
  • “Make your partner a real partner.  I would not be able to follow my dreams if my husband John was not a real partner.  I am very fortunate that he shares my belief that gender does not dictate home duties or life responsibilities.”

How have networking groups like Texas Wall Street Women helped your career?

“Effective networking has been one of the most important success factors in my career. We are very fortunate in Dallas to have groups like Texas Wall Street Women. Not only has TXWSW been extremely helpful in my career, but I have found some of my best friends and colleagues through it. Networking with like-minded women is powerful!”

What is your advice on giving back and helping the next generation of women in finance?

“I try to meet one young lady each month for coffee and commit to sending five virtual introductions to help her. TXWSW introduced STRAIT to the Irma Rangel high school intern program this summer and we have had the best intern ever! Next summer, we are hoping to have 2 or 3 of these young ladies in our office.”

Do you know a phenomenal woman making a difference in finance? We encourage you to nominate your mentors, friends, and colleagues so that we can celebrate their achievements and success by sending their name, and email address to info@txwsw.com.

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