A Woman's View from the Street 7/16/19

TXWSW, Limitless

Happy Tuesday!

Celebrating our Limitless Leaders: today we honor Brett Ashley Longoria. Brett Ashley is a Founding Partner at Capital Creek Partners, a member of the TXWSW Houston Networking Committee, and TXWSW Board Member.  Read more about why she gives back: https://txwsw.com/volunteer-spotlight-brett-ashley-longoria-limitless-leader/

My readers know that the constant apologizing women do can undermine their authority and credibility. For many of us, it is a learned behavior from childhood. The article distinguishes a real apology for something we have done wrong versus compulsive apologizing. The key is self-awareness, and the author also shares examples of more powerful language to adopt. The full article can be found here.

Last week saw a Mississippi gubernatorial candidate refuse a female journalist access to cover his campaign because she was a woman and he “refused to be alone with any woman other than his wife.” This discriminatory policy is also one held by Billy Graham and Mike Pence. To quote from the article: “the most harmful aspect of the Graham/Pence rule is this: It keeps women out of the room. It says that men can forward their careers via mentoring sessions, golf games and brainstorming lunches, but women cannot. Are we to gather that, because of this rule, Foster would also never employ a female chief of staff, attorney or accountant and never visit a female doctor, dentist or physical therapist, since all of those roles would necessitate occasional alone time?” And it would be one thing if these men were private citizens, but these men using religion to discriminate has implications for hundreds of thousands of people within their bureaucracy. The full article can be found here.


Finally, Harvard Business Review tackles the subject of how we view diversity. We all know that many companies will hire a few women and men of color and consider that they have addressed the diversity issue. But what about women of color? Women come in all shades and our experiences shape our views and the unique talents we bring to the table, and this is often overlooked. “While many white women have made gains in the American workplace, the gains for women of color haven’t been nearly as significant. According to McKinsey, white women hold only 19% of C-Suite positions, while women of color only hold 4% of them.” The full article can be foundhere.


You may notice a new addition to our homepage. We have created the Limitless jewelry line to both inspire women and help us in our philanthropy mission of supporting the Young Women’s Preparatory network. Proceeds from the purchase of the Limitless charm go directly to the Young Women’s Preparatory Network. Designed for us by one of the nation’s preeminent jewelry manufacturers, this beautiful, inspirational charm comes in both silver and 14 carat gold and can be worn every day on a bracelet or necklace. Please help us support these deserving students while inspiring all the wonderful women in your life.

I would ask each of you to consider corporate sponsorship of TXWSW. Benefits include attendance at our flagship events and recognition for your firm. To learn more, you may find our sponsor information here. Additionally, we would be happy to create a custom sponsorship for you. Please contact Bianca King atdevelopmentdirector@txwsw.com

Kind regards


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