A Woman’s View from the Street 11/7/18

TXWSW, Limitless

Happy Wednesday:
Thursday is our first ever charity golf scramble in San Antonio! We have partnered with the CFA Society of SA to bring you what promises to be a super fun event! We have a terrific group signed up so far, so grab your colleagues, friends and everyone you know and come out to support the Young Women’s Preparatory Network this week!
Click here to see our upcoming events
The Wall Street Journal published a whole section on women in the workplace that had some very worthwhile articles. I will post them all to our LinkedIn group, but I did want to share a few here.
The first article explores what happens when women are a minority of one at work. This happens more frequently than you would think in finance and the dynamic is also true when there is only one woman on a board or committee. Women who are in these extreme minority positions are at high risk for sexual harassment and often experience frequent microaggressions that signal inequality or disrespect. The full article can be found here.
Another roadblock women face on their journey up the ladder is that women’s workplace weaknesses are overplayed and punished excessively so one mistake means their career is stalled. The full article can be found here.
And finally, the last article explores the correlation between harassment in the workplace and the gender gap, and it seems the two are inextricably linked. What struck me most in the article was the survey of men and women in the workplace and how their experiences are often diametrically opposed. For instance, 44% of women report needing to provide more evidence of their competence versus only 13% of men having to do that. 32% of women report being mistaken for someone at a much lower level versus only 10% of men having that same experience. The full article can be found here.
Calling all volunteers! We are looking for a few volunteers for our Fort Worth Luncheon on November 14th. Please email developmentdirector@txwsw.com if you can help! Also, take a moment to register if you have not – we have another terrific panel again this year!
Kind regards

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