Advancing Women in the Workplace: The Impact of Remote Work

The pandemic has profoundly changed the meaning of work-life balance. “Quiet quitting”, “she-cession”, and “hybrid workplace” are much debated amongst employers and employees.

These topics uncover and highlight the value systems between paid “professional” and unpaid “domestic” work. New work structures are being tested and tried. Which do you find are better suited for the advancement of women in the workplace and which are backfiring?

Listen and share your personal experiences as a working woman regarding how working from home has affected your finances, family, and mental health.

Facilitated by Kelly Klingaman, CFP®, RLP® – Founder & Financial Planner, Kelly Klingaman Financial Planning

When: Thursday, November 3, 2022
12:00 pm – 1:00pm CST

Where: Zoom Virtual Meeting
Details to be provided to registrants

Cost:   $5 for Members
$8 for Non-Members and Guests

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